Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Crackton on Dudleyspinner.com Handpainted wool roving

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This is Crackton on www.dudleyspinner.com
It is another of those fictional towns, though I don't know the story behind that one. Crack is how Lime and Violet have referred to my roving though. It is just how they talk, not that there is anything addictive to soft fluffy wool roving. I added a link to the Lime and Violet daily chum site of the day on the sidebar. I am being featured in a week or so and am trying to get my site back up and chock full of irresistible wool.

Over the weekend I spent a day demonstrating spinning at Goessel Threshing Days. I forgot the camera, so just imagine lots of tractors, old, loud, putt-putt tractors.

Add some dust, although this is one of the greenest Augusts I can recall in my 30 years of Kansas life. Bierrocks, sausage, and verinikka, because the Mennonites always have lunch or Faspa.

I had people oohing and ahhing over my finished shawls and scarves and socks. Two girls sat and watched me spin for at least half an hour. My wheel Captain Jack loved all the attention. This is the first time he got to go. Listeners like the story of how he got his little wobble, and why he has all the beads and dangles. It was hot, but sitting on the porch of the Friesen House there was a nice breeze so it was a good day of spinning.

I was doing a little research on knitting with singles handspun yarn and found this scarf pattern.


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