Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Dudleyspinner Tie Dye Roving Driving in Colorado, Day Two

Yard Art at the Hot Springs Inn, Ouray, CO

Watching the Eagles on the Animas River, Durango, CO
Day Two
Someones driveway, On the Road Above Ouray, CO
It is interesting to look at the weather today at the places we visited in  Colorado.The snow is deep on the higher elevations. I am glad for the Indian Summer here in Kansas. The beautiful green of the just sown wheat fields contrasting with the barely turning leaves on the trees here.

I am starting to blend some batts on the drum carder, and spinning some of those batts. The blues and greens and purples look like some of those vistas I saw in Colorado.

 While we were in Ouray, I sold some yarn at  "The Painting Marmot" on Main Street. That was fun. I had just taken the yarn and fiber along at the last minute and decided to find some customers along the way.  It is always fun to find someone that appreciates what I do. I have been spinning quite a lot for a few years, but not really selling very much of the yarn. Getting hand spun yarn to the right people is a challenge.

 On the way to Ouray, while on the Monarch pass, we stopped at one of the turnouts to take a bathroom break. If you have ever traveled this area, there are no bathrooms, no stores, no gas stations. We improvised and had a small incident. While helping Kim up, her foot slipped and took off my toenail. I screamed, let go, went and got that trusty bottle of Patron and took a couple of shots. There were a few tears and curses as well. After a while we headed across the Monarch Pass and into the little town of Ouray.  The very nice people at the Hot Springs Inn  gave us the handicapped room, which became available by chance. We even got a discount, I just asked and she gave us a good rate.   It was a really nice room, two king size beds, coffee maker, refrigerator, microwave. Faux fireplace and the balcony overlooking the Uncompahgre River made the stay very nice.  The sound of the river is very soothing. 



The Painting Marmot

Making some dinner, the day my toenail came off

Ouray, CO
Dyed Columbia Wool Picked and ready to card

Ouray, CO


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