Dudleyspinner Tie Dye Roving Boston, Cape Cod
I love light houses, this light house was across the bay on Sandy Neck, we were on the shore near Barnstable at the Harbor Point Restaurant and drove down to the bay.
This is the Nantucket lightship which is put out when the sands shift and sandbars will be a hazard in the waters. I once had a credit card that had light houses on it. Someone asked me since I live in Kansas why would I have light houses. I replied, I have not always lived in Kansas. I have spent time in many places where there were many light houses.
A week on South Manitou Island in Lake Michigan where the lighthouses kept watch over the many barges and ships passing near the Sleeping Bear Dunes. Nova Scotia, where the light houses, harbors and bays are part of the landscape. Add to that Cape Cod where the shifting sands make the sea unpredictable. Just because I don't live where there are lighthouses, I still miss them.
Labels: Boston, Boston Harbor, cape cod, history, ocean, salt air, sea, travel, USS Constitution
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