Monday, June 06, 2005

Triangle Shawl from Handspun Yarns

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Shawl woven on a triangular loom. I used my handspun yarns that I had dyed in the wool. The shawl has mohair, wool, alpaca, hemp, silk. I should have taken it along to the restaurant, it is always cold sitting there waiting for dinner.

I got in some sock knitting time on the trip to Newton and back, and while waiting for our food to be served. Mike decided we should celebrate all being together for the summer. The girls are both here, for possibly our last summer together. They are both in college and will soon be going off to wherever the muse takes them.

Amelia had a deer hit her car on the way to church yesterday. No, she didn't hit it, the deer ran into the side of her car. It put a couple of dents in the side and got up and ran off.

On the way home from Newton we stopped at the cemetery to pick up the plant that was still there from Memorial Day. About half way home:

" That is a big freakin spider" said Meghan, who was holding the geranium in the back seat.

"Where?" said Amelia who was driving, swerving to look.

"Stop the car!" said Dudley, who was sitting in the front seat looking over her shoulder. Seeing a spider that appeared as large and scary as Shelob.

Dudley has seen Amelia freak out at having a little green inchworm land on her while driving and did not want a repeat of that performance.

The car was stopped, the large tarantula looking spider ejected from the car. Stopping on the highway near us is not recommended, but this highway is not highly traveled. Around here a traffic jam is when two cars are stuck behind a combine, waiting to pass.

I have been working on a vest that I am making to sell at the HGB sale. (if you click the link, the third photo is of my roving) The armhole ribbing has been giving me a hard time. I have done both of them with knitted ribbing and ended up taking them off and trying again. This time I am trying a crocheted edge. I hope this works.

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The view from my front porch.
Have a rainbow day!


At 7:39 PM, Blogger Liz said...

I am sooooo making this comment about Kate. no really. there is no way it can't be about Kate. you see Kate is a cyclist( see crazy guy on a bike/kate macKay) A deer hit her -on HER BIKE, the same time frame, she hit a squirrel or chipmunk, the details are fuzzy... ANY WAY Kate is anaphalactically allergic to bee stings... Again same time frame same bike path...ENTER bee and groin area. need I say more. The er phone call envolved a lot of I got a shot of adreneline in my ass... and benedryl in my arm... so I can't decide whethetr I should...
oh and the spider thing- we won't mention that part to Kate at all truly.

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Liz said...

I love the view. Kate and I will be by to visit as soon as one of us wins the lotto


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