Tuesday, June 21, 2005

World Sheep and Fiber Arts Festival, Sept 3-5, Bethel, MO

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It takes place Labor Day weekend, September 3-5 at Bethel, Missouri. Come and see me! I will be there with my dudleyspinner rovings I have a few fiber tools, a drum carder and drop spindles and other toys for sale.

There is a great schedule of events planned. A sheep to shawl competition, sheep dog demonstrations. Lead line competition. Fleece competition, fiber arts competition. There will be fleece and sheep for sale, angora rabbits, and other fibery animals there. This is where the Midwesterners get their fiber fix.

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Yarn = 30 wpi , dudleyspinner handspun

Needles= size 00 for center, then size 2 for pattern knitting

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It's that hat again. I counted the stitches to start another pattern. There are 347 stitches in one round. You are thinking, why would anyone make a hat with such small yarn and needles?
BECAUSE I CAN! I like making a hat that only weights a couple of ounces, is not bulky but has drape and style. The next pattern is called Wheel of Fortune. There are 21 repeats ( lucky 21 in the wheel of fortune) of the pattern from Traditional Knitting Patterns of Turkey, Fancy Feet by Anna Zilboorg. A sock book. It has amazing color knitting patterns. Persian rug type designs.

Somehow I get a little kick out of using inspiration from a country that is our nemesis. Persia-Turkey is such an ancient culture. By contrast the USA is barley a toddler in the culture faze.

We have already become such a monoculture. You can be in any city in the US and the same restaurants will be on the strip. There will be an Olive Garden, and a Black Eye Pea, a Mickey D's. The culture has no unique flavor. When will we decide that the old buildings and mom & pop businesses have more value than a new Wal-Mart Hypermart. Those places make me hyper, I hate going in there. I feel like a rat in a maze.

Yesterday was the summer solstice. The longest day of the year. It stayed light until 9:57 pm!
Happy summer solstice everyone!
Thanks for reading.
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